Конкурс за нов централен бизнес район в Солун
The UIA is endorsing ArXellence 2, an open, one-stage, international ideas competition for the Design of the New Central Business District of Thessaloniki, Greece. The competition is organised by ALUMIL S.A., an international company dealing in aluminium and aluminium products based in Greece. Its goal is to contribute to the regeneration of a declining urban area of Thessaloniki by presenting innovative designs for the new central business district.
The international jury includes architect and UIA representative Kasper Guldager Jensen (Denmark), Alumil representative and Innovation Director Nikolaos Salpingidis (Greece), architect Gabriela Carrillo (Mexico), architect Lauren Haiden (South Africa) and economist Dimitrios P. Tsomocos (UK/Greece). Deputy jurors are architect and UIA representative Sara Martin Camara (France) and economist Oren Sussman (Israel).
This competition is open to all architects entitled to practise in their country of residence.
The official language of the competition is English.
1st prize: 20,000 euros
2nd prize: 15,000 euros
3rd prize: 10,000 euros
4th prize: 7,000 euros
5th prize: 5,000 euros
6th prize: 3,000 euros
4 honourable mentions
9 March 2020: Competition launch
10 April 2020: Deadline for questions
25 May 2020: Deadline for registration
15 October 2020: Deadline entries
25 November 2020: Announcement of Competition results
11 December 2020: Awards Ceremony and exhibition at Thessaloniki Town Hall
All projects will be posted online. Alumil S.A. will publish a catalogue of the competition results.
For more information, see the competition website.