Регистър архитекти

04385 Платена ППП за 2025 г.

арх. Валентин Александров Мисароков

University of Structural Engineering & Architecture - Sofia Faculty of Architecture - Master of Architecture Specialization - Public buildings and complexes Experience - from 2010 until now CERTIFICATE - IAA International Academy of Architecture in recognition of the benefits of his architectural creativity and for development of the international cooperation Project type - residential, public, industrial, urban plans, 3D visualizations, realistic scale models and presentations. Working with CAD software: Architectural desktop, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD; Real-time rendering software: Artlantis Studio, Lumion 3D, Enscape, Twinmotion; Manager and owner of the company "VM Architects" LTD with subject of activity Architectural and investment design and Urban planning.

За контакт


BG: Стара Загора, Бул.Славянски №45, ет.5, Офис 7, Е-поща: arch.v_misarokov@abv.bg, Моб.Тел: 0885 954 248, EN: Stara Zagora, 45 Slavyansky Blvd., Floor 5, Office 7, E-poste: arch.v_misarokov@abv.bg, Mob.Tel: +359 885 954 248

Рег. № в КАБ


Професионална квалификация


Проектантска правоспособност


Регионална колегия

Стара Загора

Том и Раздел

Том: I , Раздел: I

Проектантски бюра
ВМ Архитекти ЕООД